Rates (call for Team rates)

Batting Cage or Pitching Lane
$30.00 for 30 minutes
$40.00 for 1 hour
$60.00 for 2 hours

$60.00 for 1 hour Rapsodo

Hack Attack
$40.00 for 30 minutes
$70.00 or 1 hour

Rapsodo System

2 Rapsodo NEW Systems; hitting and pitching projected to large screens. Call for rates.

Monday–Thursday 12 am-9 pm
Friday - Saturday 10 am-10 pm
Sunday 12 pm–9 pm


Monthly Pricing
$ 150.00 1 Month
$ 300.00 3 Month
$ 450.00 6 Month
$ 850.00 12 Month
Rapsodo not included in this pricing

Raposdo Monthly Pricing
$1,000.00 12 Month UNLIMITED

Monthly Pricing with a 6 Month commitment
$100.00 Rapsodo 1 Month Unlimited
$65 Cages for 1 hour for 1 person
$85 Cages family membership unlimited access
The more you train, the better you become.